The Boerboel mastiff has the distinction of being passed away bred to protect their masters. The natural protectiveness found in Mastiffs has been strengthened in these dogs through numerous breeding and training them for this sole purpose. Because of this trait alone, this dog breed might prove with regard to the best guard dog you can have for your family.


The Boerboel mastiff is a large and impressively muscular looking breed. Their faces don’t have as much wrinkles like other mastiffs, so they may look less menacing and beastly. Using well muscled bodies, they can also move with more fluidity and at this moment very athletic, factor large dogs who might seem just a little hulking.


Adding to its list of good traits is its innate intelligence and eagerness to work with its owner. One hurdle you’ll in order to be pass is correctly to get merely you as its owner.

This is completed by simply being confident in your commands and being firm and consistent with the rules you set over it. Once you’ve established this, you could have little problems in trying to teach your dog, as it can get will learn things fairly quickly.

Because of its sheer size and strength, you should have it under control all the time. Otherwise, it might turn into a very dangerous animal because its naturally protective nature.

They are very wary of strangers and will not hesitate to bark and even make sure you overpower a marked intruder – for the Boerboel mastiff, higher . prove to be simple.

Training for optimum Results

The Boerboel mastiff is one of the breeds that actually have educate. However, mainly because their intelligence and willingness to please it really prove regarding an experience you’ll enjoy; instead becoming troublesome.

It is probably best a person need to mix training and exercise as it will help your boerboel hond bond along with you through play and pinpoint the lesson likely to learn.

In short the boerboel mastiff is in fact made to get the best guard dog out there but if it’s or not, is to you and training your allow for. Good luck.

The South African Boerboel Mastiff or just the South African afrikaanse boerboel hond is a large, strong and intelligent dog. Boasts of a buoyant movement that has a well-developed muscle / tendon. The head of the South African Boerboel is short, square, muscular and with a well-filled eyes and cheeks. The highest of its head is broad and flat.

The Boerboel originates from South The continent of africa. The word “boer” that when they are translated, means “farmer”. Well-known therefore is usually referred to as the farmer’s dog in South africa.

This dog was originally bred for guarding property. It came from a mastiff parents. It possesses good territorial instincts. However, when not tamed can be dangerous, reckless and negative. It’s important to remember the fact that this breed needs in order to become trained and human friendship.

The South African Boerboel Mastiff is a reliable, intelligent, and obedient breed. It’s very an ideal guard-dog the actual its self-assured and fearless nature. Despite the fact that they possess an intimidating appearance, the South African Boerboel is playful and affectionate thus to their owners and it is partial to playing using master. They are excellent pursuits. adoring every tiny amount of attention they get.

It’s most suitable for this breed to have a dominant realize. As the owner, you should project keen authority type presence over the dog as this type of breed can have a chunk of a stubborn nature. Letting the dog know who’s in charge is very a significant characteristic for you to posses around these individuals.

This breed would obviously not be recommended if anyone is who have a home in apartments. These dogs want a large fenced yard to train out and play to get a involving exercise. They love the outdoors, but would not work for them (or you) to allow them to be freely exploring the neighborhood as their nature most likely to be very protective and territorial, and that way don’t necessarily do well with unknown people.

When it comes down to appearance and grooming, the coat of this dog is relatively short, coarse and compressed. They require less grooming or bathing on consistently. The average life span of this dog ranges between 12 to 15 years whenever they are well taken cared of.

Generally, the South African Boerboel Mastiff is the pet to possess around the house and a reliable guard doggie. They are loyal and loving and well this time going without running shoes takes to train and domesticate.